Seems like everyone is doing some kind of holiday art. Here is my contibution to the holiday season. Here is wishing everyone to have a wonderful holiday time.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge # 250 - Draw Something You Got For Free
This little artificial plant is pot is only about 6" high and 7" wide. To be so small it is none the less become one of my favorite treasures. It brightens up any corner where it is placed. I just happened to be where someone was cleaning out stuff and I came home with it. I am glad of this challenge because I have wanted to draw and piant this little treasure for a while. Now I have this little memory captured. This was done with watercolor pencils on watercolor paper in my new homemade journal 11 x 7 1/2" which has watercolor and sketching paper in it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuscany -- Watercolor
I saw this in an art book, and fell in love with this adorable little town. There is something appealing and serene about the Italian countryside. The soft colors also caught my imagination, and I just had to paint it. This is a real place, but the name of the town was not given in the book. This was an enjoyable piece to do.
Monday, November 23, 2009
EDM # 249 Draw A Coffee Pot - Watercolor
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Orchids -- Watercolor
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Portrait of a Grand Daughter

Monday, November 9, 2009
Love Abstract -- Watercolor Journal

This came about as I just free form wrote about what is Love. There are all different kinds of love- self love, love of family, love of friends and that significant other, love of hobbies/work, etc. These all involve our emotions. However, I was journaling about agape love. The kind where God says love your enemies. How do you love the unloveable? All the other loves involve emotion, but agape love involves a choice and an action (not emotion). If we say we love God, then we have to obey God and love ( show kindness and compassion to) the unloveable. This takes a lot of prayer to be able to put this kind of love in action. Done with watercolor and magic maker.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
French Country Whimsy EDM # 109 Draw A Clock -- Watercolor Journal

I bought this clock when I was in a ""French" mood trying to redecorate my kitchen in my version of French Country style. I wrote about it and said- My Whimsical Clock. The phrase "Less is More" does not apply to this clock!!! I am glad that EDM had a challenge to draw a clock. I would never have taken the time to draw it in my journal without the challenge. Now I have the memory of my piece of French whimsy recorded.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Oriental Water Landscape -- Watercolor

I have always loved this picture from the moment I saw it. I still have the card it was painted from twenty years ago. It's one of my original paintings I did back then before the internet and art groups for encouragement and sharing. I love that the colors are not the usual colors for sky or water, and that it is such a peaceful scene. This is the first landscape I ever painted.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Light Show Kolner Dom Cologne Cathedral

Since I like architecture a friend told me if I ever visited Germany I need to see the Dom Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany (thanks Alex!!). I did a search on it and found info and pictures. The cathedral has many beautiful stain glass windows that often make the cathedral a light show. This is a picture I found of the Cathedral that illustrated what the light show can resemble. I was taken back by all the colors that bathed every thing. I had to try to paint this, because it was so breath-taking. In this picture one is looking up at the ceiling of the cathedral. The ceiling (which is plaster) looks like stain glass with the way the colors reflect on it. To the right is one of the main supports for the cathedral ceiling covered in the multi-hued reflections. I drew, inked, and painted this with watercolor Halloween night waiting in between kids coming to my door.
Friday, October 30, 2009
EDM Draw #15 A Tree, #155 Steps, #234 Something That Belongs to Another

I first started this picture because I wanted to show how big the cottonwood trees were in the RV park. Most of the park was shaded by these trees. The trailer here is not mine but is about the same size (31 feet). The trees make the trailer look much smaller. The trailer steps I drew in very dark so that they are easily visible. Female cottonwood trees produce big balls of fluff 6 to 8 inches in diameter. It "snowed" o

This tree rose belonged to one of the full time residents at the RV park. The pot is red and the roses are red and white. I was surprised to learn that it stayed out all winter in freezing weather and snow, and lived. I thought they would freeze since the main part of the tree is above ground. There were tea and miniature roses all over the park. Many full timers there planted all kinds of flowers. Was a really interesting RV park.
All three sketches were done with a Bic ballpoint pen in my 6x9 inch homemade sketch book.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Journal Your Worries Away

This project came about from a prompt from a journaling group I belong to. You write your worries down on the paper then paint over it and put happy things on top. I did this to learn. I did not think I had any big worries, but found out I did as I wrote them down. This was a journey of learning in many areas. I learned I needed to remember where my peace originates. I also need to remember that each day is a day that I can start over new. Transformation and renewal became the theme, thus the butterflies. It also has another meaning as I get a new life at painting. The painting is from a time I tried to paint but had no way to share or learn. Now I get a second chance to paint and can learn from and share with all of you. The butterfly picture is watercolor. The background on both pages is acrylic. This was done in my composition journal. The writing is a black Sharpie.
Butterflies & Flowers -- Watercolor

Sometimes you see something that you just have to draw and paint. This was one of those pictures. I loved the arrangement and colors on a card my mother gave me. It has been hidden in a drawer for twenty years. It is from that time period that I started painting, but gave up because there was no way to share with or learn from others. Today I can share it with you.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Victorian Crackle Window -- Watercolor Journal

I love drawing architecture ( especially Victorian) and these windows caught my attention. It wasn't until I was well into the picture that I realized that there were letters on the window. Took a while to figure out they were A & O = Alpha & Omega. I call them crackle windows because that is what they look like until you get close and find they are really stain glass windows with very small pieces of glass very randomly put together. This was painted using watercolor pencils.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #29 Draw Something Architectural

On the way to Utah to see family we stopped at a little tourist town. It had all kinds of quirky, ornate, and one of a kind Victorian storefronts. The weather was cold and rainy. Thus, I had to sketch this one inside the store across the street looking through their front window. It is just the upper part of the storefront. I was sketching fast holding my sketch book in one hand and drawing with the other. I was not happy with it at the time. Later I inked it in with ball point pen and it helped. Still just a fast and raw sketch, but it was interesting trying to sketch on location with people all around.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Victorian House -- Pen & Ink

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Portrait of a Pink Rose -- Watercolor

A tea party (see previous post) needs flowers and here's a rose. This is the first rose I ever painted, and I finally get to share it with others who love art too. It was painted 20 years ago and is part of the paintings I just found again. They are from the time when I painted in watercolor and quit because there was no one to share it with. What a blessing to have all of you who are interested in others endeavors and encourage them. Roses are my favorite flowers. This was painted from a photograph I cut out of a magazine.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #32 Draw a Teapot-- Watercolor Journal

If we have a teacup (previous post) we need a teapot. I love everything to do with tea (the tea itself, the beautiful teacups, the silverware, the teapot, and even the dressing up for formal teas). I love to have tea with a friend in our homes or in a tea house. Even love tea luncheons. Any excuse to participate in the ritual of slowing down and enjoying the presence of others. Even a personal cup of tea gives you the opportunity to slow down and contemplate life in a different way.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Everyday Matters Group Challenge #4 Draw A Cup Watercolor Journal

I would drool over this very expensive girly girl pattern at the big mall stores. Knew there was no way I could ever afford it. Then found it at Sam's Club greatly reduced. As I was writing about this in the above watercolor journal this scripture came to me "Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Church Windows View From Inside - Watercolor

I drew this for the new group just formed "Drawing in Church" which is for posting pictures doodled in worship service or drawings of any type of religious architecture. I love church architecture especially church windows. They can be very beautiful. I drew them in a loose manner (i.e. none of the lines are perfectly straight).
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #244

The oldest thing I found in my frig. was Orange Marmalade (i.e. Orange Jam/Jelly). I could not resist putting a couple of other things I had in the kitchen into the picture. Makes it more interesting. Love the bear. She has traveled all around my house. She also has traveled out of my house (to my grand daughter's) and back again. Orange marmalade is delicious with biscuits.
"First Painting" Composistion Journal

Imagine my excitement when I found the first picture I painted (with color pencil) that started my current interest in painting/drawing. I made a copy of it and pasted the copy in my composition journal to remember this event. It was painted for a Bible class to teach what Alpha and Omega means in the Bible. The "W" is another way to write the Omega symbol/letter. Alpha and Omega is another way of saying God is the source of everything, and is this is equal to the "I am the true vine" (i.e. true source). Thank for letting me share this with you.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Asian Pillow Art -- Watercolor Journal EDM Challenge #243 Draw a pillow

I love these pillows. Though we bought four as a birthday gift for our son, only two have survived several years and three kids. I'm glad the Everyday Matters challenge was to draw a pillow. Now I have the memories of these pillows recorded, so when the last two give up I will still be able to enjoy them. They are definitely works of art in themselves. Painted with watercolor pencils.
Lily Ponds-- Composition Journal EDM Challenge #116 Draw something green

When I started this journal entry I did not know that it would come with a poem. Have always loved the beauty and serenity of lily ponds. The poems says"Lily Ponds. One of God's Creations, Serenity- Beauty, Flowers Bloom, Leaves Unfurl, Continual New Life. The Sun Shines, Warming the Skin, The Winds Blow, The Waters Move, Bringing Peace to the Soul." This was painted in Acrylic. The poem is on a piece of paper I painted and glued in. The white streaks on the paper in the background are suppose to be there.
Friday, October 2, 2009
White Cat in Watercolor

Twenty years ago I painted in watercolor for a little while, but gave up when there was no one to encourage or share my love of art. To have people today to share my love of art is wonderful. I just came across my paintings from twenty years ago and wanted to share some of them with you. This is the last one that was painted back then.
Everyday Matters Challenge #76 Draw a flower

My inspiration came from a picture I cut from an advertisement. I was able to practice doing glass, velvet ribbons, shading, shadows, and transition from above the vase to inside the vase. The shadow cast by the vase does not show up well here, but there is one to the right. This was done with color pencil.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Compostion Journal: RED WHITE & BLUE

This is my second page in my composition journal. I did not have this planned out before hand (style or subject). It just evolved. Painted in acrylic. The paper flag and ribbon are glued on. It says: "RED WHITE & BLUE. Color of the Flag, Color of the Blood Shed, Bandages Applied, and Oceans crossed over of our American Veterans." It is a tribute to my husband who is one of those American Veterans.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Watercolor Journal Everyday Matters Challenge #242 Draw a figurine
Saturday, September 26, 2009
First Journal Page

I have wanted to have a journal for a while and just now have started it. The picture is of the moon and the stars. This is a memory that I recorded of when I was in Arizona in 2007. The inset says- "Moon & Stars. The Heavens Declare The Glory of God Psalm 19:1. The above quote came to me in 2007 after seeing the extreme number of stars in the Arizona night sky (which are not visible at home). I never knew there were so many. I was actually in shock for the first few minutes." This was done in acrylic paint on the paper in a composition notebook. Was fun to do.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #21- Draw something old

I painted this in acrylic from a photo of an Arizona sunset that I cut out of a travel magazine. I loved the colors and subject matter. The Saguaro Cactus does not even begin to grow "arms" until it is about 70 years old. The ones seen here are over 100 years old and the Saguaro can live to be over 200 years old.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #24 Draw a piece of fruit
Everyday Matters Challenge #178 Draw something red
Monday, September 21, 2009
Everday Matters Challenge #179 Draw an Onion

This picture evolved as I drew it. Things kept getting added to it. The above are some of the South's (USA) summer comfort foods- pork & beans, cucumbers, and Vidalia onions. The Vidalia (pronounced Vi-DELL-yah) onion , I learned, is the state vegetable of Georgia (my home). Vidalia onions were discovered in the 1930's growing near Vidalia, Georgia. The low sulfer content of the soil in the 20 counties around Vidalia, GA. produces an extremely sweet onion. The onion's name is now copyrighted and is Federally protected. Only onions grown in those twenty counties can be called Vidalia onions. So, if you have eaten a Vidalia onion, you have eaten a very southern specialty.
Everyday Matters Challenge #241 Draw what you see from your kitchen window

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #100 Draw a Landscape

This mountain sunset landscape was painted from a photograph that I saved from an advertisement. The photograph with all its variations in color has always intrigued me. I have wanted to paint it for a long time, but was intimidated by its complexity. Since watercolor pencils make it easier for me to control the paint, I decided to use them for my first try at painting the photo.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
EDM #219 Draw A Window

This window comes from a storage shed at Lazy Days Campground near St. Louis, Mo. This little storage shed (above) was decorated and landscaped so beautifully that I had to draw and paint it. The window is a stained glass window just mounted to the outside wall. The whole campground catches your attention when you drive in with all the landscaping around the buildings. Both pictures were done with pencil, fine point Sharpie, and watercolor pencil on heavy weight mead academe sketch paper. The storage shed was fun and exciting to do because it is the first picture I ever painted on site.
Monday, September 14, 2009
First People Sketch EDM #129 People Doing Something

This is my first try at sketching people in real time. I was just trying to get the essence of the people and the event- a chili dinner in our camper first night in Casper Wyoming. We were traveling with three other couples and their campers, but ours was always the place where everyone ate when we had a communal meal. There are also two unseen people sitting on the couch at the right-they were out of my line of sight as I sketched. I used a Bic ball point pen. During the trip out west I discovered that sketching with a ball point pen is actually easier and quicker than using a pencil. When I use a pencil, I want to go back to make it perfect, and it takes forever to draw anything. With the pen I just draw.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #217 Draw an Umbrella

This was done on the road while I was traveling to see western U.S. and family. Just now have had time to sit down to scan and post to my blog. This umbrella is typical of most umbrellas after use- it's dripping all over the floor. This was done with watercolor pencil, regular pencil, and a fine point Sharpie marker on a Heavyweight Paper Mead Academie Sketch Book.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Everday Matters Challenge #214 My Favorite Hobby

The challenge was to produce something that represented my favorite hobby. Thus, I had to do my garden. The picture is only a simple representation. The colors and textures of my garden are there along with my bird bath fountain. This is the first time I have painted a garden in watercolor and painted in so soft in tone. This is done on 9x12 sketch paper with pen and watercolor pencil.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #220 The Moon

This is the first night time painting I have done. I had to research pictures on the internet to see what the colors were at night. The different photos showed various blues, purples, black, yellow, orange, but not always in the same picture as I have done here. Everything except the black mountains and plain were done with watercolor pencils. The mountains and plains I did with opaque watercolor to save time. I love saguaro cactus and this seemed like a good picture to put one in. This was done on 9x12 sketch paper.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #223 Favorite Sound

My favorite sound is a violin. I have one and play it occasionally. Somethings it sounds wonderful, sometimes it sounds like its in pain. But nevertheless, it is still my favorite sound. This was done with pen and watercolor 9x12 on sketch paper. The violin is next to a red curtain. The watercolor was produced with watercolor pencils.
Everyday Matters Challenge #224 A Pitcher

This pitcher was a Christmas present to me from my husband several years ago. He saw me drooling over it at the store and surprised me with it. It is a solid white pitcher with acorn and leaf design. This painting was done with pencil and watercolor (which was produced with watercolor pencils) 9x12 on sketch paper. I thought that blue shadows would show off the acorn and leaf design more colorfully than gray shadows. Blue is my favorite color so this was extra fun to do. I really am enjoying the opportunity to get more experience in drawing and watercolor.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Everyday Matters Challenge #225- something sticky

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