Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Taos Afternoon -- Acrylic 16x20

This is the first painting I ever did in using acrylic paint. The original of this is in an art book. I learned a lot painting this, and one of the major things I learned was that I could not reproduce it the way the artist did. My style of painting is very different. The basics of the painting are the same. I just had to go about it a different way than the artist did. This painting was a lot of work, but was worth it in the end.


  1. Lovely painting! I haven't tried acrylic, hopefully someday I will ^^

  2. ramona that's fantastic. You captured a lovely light with a fantastic mood. And the result is fantastic. Everything is fantastic!

  3. Everything you did in this drawing is fantastic. The light is great and the overall result is outstanding in my opinion. Well done!

  4. You did a fantastic job! I love it!
